Ashley Wisniewski Obtains Guilty Verdicts in Pro Bono Case for Glenn County

Porter Scott recently partnered with the Glenn County District Attorney’s Office as part of an effort to alleviate the County’s backlogged criminal caseload. This partnership results in a win-win situation- the District Attorney’s Office receives much needed support and Porter Scott attorneys have an opportunity to hone their trial skills while providing services on a pro bono basis.

The first Porter Scott attorney who volunteered to serve is associate Ashley Wisniewski. She tried a domestic violence case, and obtained a guilty verdict from the jury on charges that included theft and battery. The guilty verdict on the battery charge was particularly important because it resulted in a requirement that in addition to serving jail time,  the defendant must attend a 52 week batterer’s course and serve a 3 year probation period. This part of the sentence protects the victim and society at large.  The most rewarding part of the experience for Ashley was obtaining the conviction on the battery claim, because it validated the victim’s decision to stand up to her abuser.

When she isn’t volunteering her time to ensure justice is served in Glenn County, Ashley handles the defense of personal injury, employment, and homeowners associations in civil litigation.